2024 CAFA Graduation Season | Li Siyu: Rather than simply depicting its image, it is better to profoundly reveal the intrinsic quality


On May 1, 2024 CAFA Graduation Season was officially unveiled at CAFA Art Museum. Just as the theme “Direction of the Heart” contains good wishes and sincere expectations for Class of 2024 at CAFA, 2024 CAFA Graduation Season does not only contain their art achievements,  their enthusiasm and perseverance in creation are also reflected, which further conveys the imagination and expectations of young students as they embark on the road to the future.

04 “Excerpts from Dongpo Collection” in running script, 51cm×192.5cm, Calligraphy on paper, 2024.jpg

“Excerpts from Dongpo Collection” in running script, 51cm×192.5cm, Calligraphy on paper, 202402 Li Siyu introduced his works at CAFA Art Museum.jpgLi Siyu introduced his works at CAFA Art Museum

Six Selected Calligraphy Works

By Li Siyu from School of Calligraphy at CAFA

Calligraphy works do not only represent an external art form, but they also show the ideological interest and spiritual temperament of calligraphers. Therefore, esthetician Zong Baihua said that calligraphy “conveys a more profound conception of the image of life and becomes an art that reflects life.”

05 An article from “Hanshan Talk” by Zhao Huanguang in Running Style, 35cm×180cm, Calligraphy on paper, 2024.jpgAn article from “Hanshan Talk” by Zhao Huanguang in Running Style, 35cm×180cm, Calligraphy on paper, 202406 An article from “Essays on Painting a Zen Room” by Dong Qichang in Running Script, 52cm×235cm, Calligraphy on paper, 2024.jpgAn article from “Essays on Painting a Zen Room” by Dong Qichang in Running Script, 52cm×235cm, Calligraphy on paper, 202407 Tao Yuanming’s “Miscellaneous Poems” in Seal Script, 39.5cm×240cm, Calligraphy on paper, 2024.jpgTao Yuanming’s “Miscellaneous Poems” in Seal Script, 39.5cm×240cm, Calligraphy on paper, 2024

My teacher often told me that we should never terminate our art life, but to make different experiments and always keep exploring. I have kept learning seal script, official script, regular script, running script, cursive script, seal cutting and painting, and further to extract my own creative elements from different styles of calligraphy. Nowadays we have access to much more information than the ancients. If we rest on our laurels and don’t try anything new, we would be too stingy with ourselves. So for this graduation project, I exhibited six pieces of creations with different styles of calligraphy, as well as seal cutting works with different appearances. I want to try my best to explore my mind and find what I want.

08 An article from “Hanshan Talk” by Zhao Huanguang in regular script, 40.5cm×235cm, Calligraphy on paper, 2024.jpg

An article from “Hanshan Talk” by Zhao Huanguang in regular script, 40.5cm×235cm, Calligraphy on paper, 202409 “Gengzi Autumn Ci Poetry” in Running Script, 52cm×240cm, Calligraphy on paper, 2024.jpg“Gengzi Autumn Ci Poetry” in Running Script, 52cm×240cm, Calligraphy on paper, 202410 Seals Cut by Li Siyu in 2024.jpgSeals Cut by Li Siyu in 2024Courtesy of Li Siyu, edited by CAFA ART INFO.