Exhibition of Fibre Materials by Chen Gelin on View at Redbase Art Sydney


Chen Gelin, Untitled, 2024. Mixed fiber materials, 40x60cm..jpgChen Gelin, Untitled, 2024. Mixed fiber materials, 40x60cm.

"Linear fibre materials carry not only the heritage of history but also a unique artistic language. In my creations, I continually explore the balance between these materials in symbolic language and emotional expression. I believe that the unique texture and technical potential of fibre materials hold infinite possibilities, which will remain the core focus of my future work."

—Chen Gelin

Chen's creations are deeply influenced by the culture and traditional crafts of Chinese ethnic minorities, particularly the weaving techniques of the Hakka people, the brocade patterns of the Zhuang ethnic group, and the principles of screen printing.

Chen Gelin, Rebirth, 2024. Mixed fiber materials, 60x80cm..jpgChen Gelin, Rebirth, 2024. Mixed fiber materials, 60x80cm.

In his works, Chen Gelin uses steel nails as points and nylon as lines, constructing unique visual and spatial effects through the use of composite fibre materials. His creations not only skilfully incorporate traditional textile techniques but also showcase the diversity and unique characteristics of fibre materials, reflecting the artist's deep contemplation on formal order, light, speed, and a sense of futurism.

Chen Gelin, Silence, 2024. Mixed fiber materials, 60x80cm..jpgChen Gelin, Silence, 2024. Mixed fiber materials, 60x80cm.

Chen's connection with linear fibre materials began in his childhood. Born in Bobai County, known as the "World's Largest Hakka County," he grew up in a family that frequently engaged in Hakka bamboo weaving and hemp rope crafts. He often helped weave baskets and worked in a clothing factory to earn pocket money. These experiences cultivated his unique aesthetic appreciation for fibre materials, which later became a source of inspiration for his artistic creations.

Chen Gelin, Butterfly, 2024. Mixed fiber materials, 60x80cm..jpgChen Gelin, Butterfly, 2024. Mixed fiber materials, 60x80cm.

During his studies at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Chen Gelin revisited linear fibre materials through a studio course, integrating them with the layering principles of screen printing in his artistic work. His creations use the interplay of light and lines to express the trajectories of light and the temporal and spatial sensations brought about by speed, ultimately forming visual images imbued with dynamic energy and a sense of order.

Chen Gelin, Abundance, 2024. Mixed fiber materials, 60x100cm..jpg

Chen Gelin, Abundance, 2024. Mixed fiber materials, 60x100cm.

About the Artist

Chen Gelin, born in 1996 in Yulin, Guangxi, is a contemporary artist dedicated to exploring the use of linear fibre materials in artistic expression. He graduated from the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) in 2023, where his graduation work, "Convergence and Divergence," was permanently collected by the CAFA Art Museum. 

Chen Gelin's artistic achievements have been widely recognized, with several prestigious awards to his name, including the National Inspirational Scholarship in 2021 and 2022, as well as the Youth Art 100 Annual 101 Art Award in 2023. He was also invited to participate in the "TWT International Art Residency Program" in 2023. His works have been featured in numerous significant exhibitions, including the "CAFA Tide. Flourishing Growth" exhibition, the "Fiction and Reshaping" Contemporary Art Exhibition at the Jiangxi Provincial Art Museum, and the "Diversity II: Young Artists Group Exhibition" at Su Gallery in Beijing.

About the Exhibition

Poster.jpgWhen The Beam Is Readable

Dates: September 28 - October 22, 2024

Venue: Redbase Art Sydney

Courtesy of Redbase Art Sydney, edited by Sue/CAFA ART INFO.