Hankang HUANG doffs his hat to traditions Chinese imagery, setting refined linear forms
within a pale mass of paper. His gently ironic take on the clash between old and new,
however, firmly situates the work in China’s present: exotic animals and casually hip
women wander through the paraphernalia of modern life, melding into one beast. In
The Balance, 2008, a black clad female figure tips back into a yoga stretch, her head
that of a leopard baring its teeth and snaring in the opposite direction to her twisting
torso. Unlike much of the Chinese art seen in the west, Huang’s cultural commentary
never feels heavy-handed. He eschews sloganistic statement and instead plumps for open-ended image rendered with a lightness of touch.
ARTREVIEW杂志 2009年12月刊
批评家:Skye Sherwin